Metabolic processes that require oxygen are called aerobic. Metabolic processes that do not require oxygen are called anaerobic.
Um I just looked it up
1,000 years
In many parts of the world, trees can provide a climate history for hundreds of years, with some extending back 1,000 years or more.
Asuming basic organic chemistry: Hydrocarbons
A hydrocarbon is an organic compound consisting entirely of hydrogen and carbon.
Ecology refers to the scientific study of the associations between the organisms and the surroundings in which they thrive. Humans have always been witnessing and learning about the organisms and their surroundings around them. They have acquired many insights and deduced hypothesis on the basis of their observations.
This is the aspect of discovery in the branch of ecology. Identically, there is an experimental scenario associated with the ecology that has been developed recently. This comprises formulating a hypothesis first and then examining it in the field or in the lab. Therefore, ecology utilizes the fundamental scientific procedure of hypothesis formulation and then examining and validating by the observations and experiments.
The nurse manage of
the psychiatric nurse can use surveys or questionnaires pertaining the
aggression management program. These methods can be used in order to assess if
the program was helpful.