If you over pay or if you happen to do something and the IRS give you something but it is not normal for the IRS to give
you money
Statement of Cost per equivalent unit
Particulars Materials Conversion
Cost of beginning work in process $8,130 $9,128
Add: Costs added during the month <u>$226,500</u> <u>$284,232</u>
Total cost A $234,630 $293,360
Number of equivalent units B <u> 9,900 </u> <u> 9,400 </u>
Cost per equivalent unit (A/B) <u>$23.70 </u> <u>$31.21 </u>
Foreign Antitrust Act.
The Foreign Antitrust Act is an act against contracts, combinations and conspiracies, which helps to control trade and commerce within several US states. It is a section of the Sherman Act of U. S. C 1. The major reason for this law is so that there will be equal opportunities and platform for businesses within the same industry to operate without one gaining too much power over the other. The law controls dirty activities people engage to make profits.
value of the product to be protected
The value of the products that are being shipped or distributed should not be included in the protective package.
The severity of the distribution environment refers to whether the products are hazardous or not, e.g. pesticides should be dealt very carefully because they are poisonous.
The fragility of the product to be protected refers to the materials used to build the product, e.g. products made of glass are extremely fragile.
The performance characteristics of various cushion materials. refers to what type of cushioning was used to protect the product during shipment.
Answer: social responsibility of business to customers
social responsibility of business is the voluntary roles which business play in the society
It is the moral obligation that business owes the society, in other words, it refers to the ways in which business enterprises could assist to develop the local communities in which they operate.The business can have responsibilities towards the following
Owners : The business has it as a responsibility to protect the investment of its owners. It has to ensure that a reasonable return is earned on such investment, in addition, efforts must also be geared toward ensuring the growth of the business.
Customers : The business responsibility to their customers include the production and distribution of high quality goods and services advertising correct and not defective goods and services, labelling goods clearly and correctly, offering and explaining credit facilities and adopting after sales services. The business must recognize that the ultimate success or failure of the business rest to a large extent with the customers, The business must ensure that they do not sell to their customers fake product or produce products which may be injurious to the health of their customers.
Employees : The employees are the Labour component of the factors of production, the responsibility of the business to their employees is to pay commensurable salaries and provide satisfying work ,job security and good working conditions for their employees.
Creditors : The creditors are those individuals or organizations whom the business owe money.It is the responsibility of the business to repay these debt as they fall due.It is equally essential for business to cultivate a good culture of debt management.
Government : The business has a responsibility to obey the various government laws guiding business operations. It must also pay its taxes at the right time and contribute to the economic development of the country.