B. An endothermic reaction
It absorps light, CO2, and water to make simple sugar and O2
Hershey and chase have concluded that DNA is not protein it was the genetic material.
Hershey and chase said that DNA is not protein it was the genetic material. They took a direct physical approach in finding the genetic material. They both determined that a protective coat was formed around the bacteriophage.
The internal DNA is not a protein, a genetic material. They used label to find it. The lack of 32p labeled DNA remaining in solution after bacteriohages are allowed to absorb the bacteria showed tha DNA was transferred into the bacterial cell.
The radioactive 35s in the solution shows that protein coat protects the DNA before adsorption.
Can you elaborate it’s confusing I think it’s consequence tho
Ecological competition occurs when living organisms, including animals, plants, bacteria and fungi, need the same limited resources to thrive in their shared environment. An ecosystem could collapse if several species needed the same scarce resources to complete their life cycle. Competition will occur between organisms in an ecosystem when their niches overlap, they both try to use the same resource and the resource is in short supply. Animals compete for food, water and space to live. Plants compete for light, water, minerals and root space.