Counting a sequence of statements without any decisions or branches as one control structure (as many computer scientists do),the if, if-else, and if-else-if ladders as one control structure,the three types of loops (while, do-while, and for) as three different control structures,the break and continue statements, in the context of loops, as one more (although this can be debatable),the switch/case control structure as one,the call/return mechanism as one,the ability to specify and call a callback function as one,the goto/label as one,and the setjmp/longjmp non-local goto as one,
My phone duhhh. If I hadn’t had a phone I wouldn’t be able to send streaks...
I think it’s a
if it isn’t a then it’s d
Wireless Personal Area Netwrok (WPAN) or Personal Area Network (PAN)
the second answer is correct