The square root of 51.84 is 7.2
The slope is 0, the equation is y=50
When the line is horizontal the slope is 0 and when the line is vertical the slope is undefined.

Step-by-step explanation:
We are given an expression to solve for the displacement (x), so in order to find velocity (v), we need to differentiate the function.
Solving :
Using this equation, we can find the velocity if a value of t is given.
First we are going to group the terms that contains the common factor

in one parenthesis, and the other ones in another parenthesis:

Notice that our the terms in our first parenthesis have a common factor

, and the terms in our second one have the common factor

. Lets factor those out:

Now we have a common factor

in both terms, so we can factor those out as well:

We can conclude that the completely factored expression ordered alphabetically is
