Chip will experience more stress on the second day
The rate named chip will experience more stress on the second day because it was exposed to only 10 shock on the first day while the rate named Chub was exposed to 30 shocks on the first day and hence Chub would feel less stress as it had been earlier exposed to a much higher stress condition.
You're probably aware that Islam is a religion practiced by Muslims. Despite the controversial headlines surrounding the religion, Islam has a rich history and several noteworthy traditions and beliefs. It's believed to have originated in the 7th Century in the territory known today as the Middle East. Islam, which means 'surrender,' is based upon the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad. Muhammad was born in the city of Mecca, today considered a holy site, and began preaching about the existence of a single god. In the grand scheme of things, Muhammad is thought to have reinforced monotheism in the Arab world.
In Islam, Muhammad is believed to have received revelations from Allah, which he wrote down. These writings formed the verses found today in the Qur'an, which is the most holy text in Islam. The Qur'an is considered sacred and contains the literal word of God, as relayed to Muhammad.
Today, many practicing Muslims pray up to five times a day, fast during holy holidays, and in many cases, take pilgrimage to sacred sites. In Islam, these acts are known as pillars. There are five pillars of Islam, which each Muslim must practice. The pillars consist of the belief in only one God, ritual prayer five times daily, giving to those in need, fasting through Ramadan (the holy month), and pilgrimage to Mecca (Muhammad's birthplace) at least once in a Muslim's lifetime. The first pillar, or the belief in one God, is key to understanding Islam.