Nitrogen is removed from the atmosphere mainly by nitrogen-fixing bacteria in the soil and oceans (blue-green algae).
Nitrogen is removed from the atmosphere mainly by nitrogen-fixing bacteria in the soil and oceans (blue-green algae).
For the Numbers on the leg Photo
1. Rectus Femoris
2. Vastus lateralis
3. Tibialis Anterior
4. ADDuctor longus
5. Gracilis
6. Satorius
7. Vastus Medialis
8. Gluteus Medius
9. Gluteus Maximus
10. Semitendinosis
11. Semimembranosus
12. Biceps Femoris
13. Gastrocnemius
Explanation: is correct
Gravity is the force by which a object or other body draws objects toward its center.
If I toss a ball into the air gravity will influence it and bring it towards its center, in this case the ground.