1. Paleolithic.
2. Nomad.
3. Hieroglyphs.
4. Cuneiform.
5. Petroglyphs.
6. Migration.
1. <u>Paleolithic</u>: the old Stone Age. In the Paleolithic Age, humans used simple stone tools, spear, bow and arrows.
2. <u>Nomad</u>: drifter, wanderer, or migrant. This group of people are typically herders and as such roam or wander around with their animals in search of pasture to feed on.
3. <u>Hieroglyphs</u>: symbols that were used to represent sounds. It was developed by the ancient Egyptians and it comprises of characters written in the form of a picture.
4. <u>Cuneiform</u>: symbols that were used to represent objects. Thus, cuneiform are symbols shaped in the form of a wedge and pressed into clay tablets in order to represent objects.
5. <u>Petroglyphs</u>: pictures carved out of stone. They are done through the use of a hammer and stone chisels to create rock carvings.
6. <u>Migration</u>: movement from one place to another. Basically, people move from one geographical location to another in search of better social amenities, quality of life and security.