Human civilization changed between the Paleolithic and the Neolithic because we went from just hunting and gathering to practicing horticulture and farming. Our tool technologies also became more advanced.
The Paleolithic Era is also referred to as the Old Stone Age the stage in human prehistory when we first developed stone tools and the longest stage of our prehistory from around 3 million years ago until 12,000 years ago. The Neolithic is the era when humans began to practice horticulture and started domesticating some animals and plants. This covers the period from about 12,000 to around 2,000 years ago. Basically, the Paleolithic is when humans first started to use stone tools, while the Neolithic era is when humans started farming. Tools were more advanced in the Neolithic and our ancestors also lived in more permanent homes.
Atlas is probably developing gross motor skills like being able to walk on their tiptoes or to stand on one foot. They are developing fine motor skills like being able to snip things with scissors.
It seems from the question prompt that Atlas is probably about 3 years old and they are acquiring gross motor skills like being able to climb well and to skip. They are also starting to refine their fine motor skills at this age and they can use scissors and hold a crayon and eat themselves. By age 4 they will be able to manipulate clay for example. This is the stage where children are moving beyond just performing parallel play at 2 years old to associative play at 3 to 4 years old.
socialoigists are bad
yeet and i oppp skeeeeeeeeet skkkkkkkkkkkksksksksksksksk
States cannot force associations to accept members
Students who study Latin develop an interest in words. They learn something they had never thought of before. ... So, Latin is the next step after phonics because it continues the study of the Latin half of English vocabulary in a systematic, orderly way. Skip the vocabulary courses. Latin was an one of the original medical and law languages.
I hope it helps somehow.