Aheart attack is a build up of cholestorol that prevents the blood from flowing through the body which leads to cardiac arrest.
Due to the cognitive effects it has. There are peer reviewed studies that show a correlation between cannabis use and a decrease motor and cognitive function over time. It also stunts brain growth in people under the age of 25 since the brain is still growing until then. Also, cannabis is still federally illegal so universities usually abide by federal laws. Cannabis smoking also causes a distinct smell that sticks to things and second hand smoking is still a risk.
have a duty to
Different government organizations have different working laws enacted for such institutions or organisations.
For examples Military hospitals are established mainly to offer service to the Military personnel and their family members. General public are not eligible to get admission or treatment in such Military hospitals.
Similarly, many government guest houses are meant for that particular government organisation employees only. General public cannot get admission into such establishment.
There are separate statute for such establishment or organisations.
But these organisation cannot deny admission even to the general person who present themselves to such institutions for emergency cares. Such organisations are liable to offer service to persons for emergency care.
Thus the answer is "have a duty to".