These systems are commonly used in facilities such as public libraries to ensure equitable use of limited numbers of computers. Bookings may be done over the internet or within the library itself using a separate computer set up as a booking terminal.
A) Marian Shelby. “The Fall of Rome.” Military Forces. n.p., 11 Mar 2009. Web.
14 Oct 2012.
<span>2. basketball
This is a classic case of overloading in C++. You have 2 functions, both named "printSport", but one of the functions receives an input of type double, and the other receives an input of type int. The specified method call passes a parameter of type int, so the version of printSport is called that receives a parameter of type int. And that version of printSport only prints the word "basketball". The other version of printSport is never called at all.</span>
The answer is "4".
In this code, on line number 4, it will give the error message, and its correct solution can be defined as follows:
In this code, a variable "score" is declared, that holds a value that is 0, and in the next step, a method "onEvent" is declared that uses a method, and in the if block, it checks the "score" value that is less than 5 and it will print the message.