In 1819, the slave holding territory of Missouri applied for admission to the Union. Northern states opposed it, feeling that Southern slave holding states held too much power already. ... This had given the South an advantage in Congress.
Answer because he's important
Ayatollah Khomeini was in charge of the government of Iran during the hostage crisis.
The Iran hostage crisis took place after the US embassy in Tehran was seized by a group of several hundred students and took all those in the diplomatic mission as hostages. This event took place nine months after the victory of the Islamic revolution in Iran, when the power struggle was still going on between the forces participating in the revolution.
The attack on the embassy was carried out by students identifying with the Iranian Islamic left, however, it gained the support of all political forces except the liberals; led to the collapse of the government of Mehdi Bazargan, and in the long run gave political benefits mainly to Ruhollah Khomeini and his supporters.
On April 24, 1980, the US Army carried out a failed operation, the purpose of which was to recapture hostages. They were eventually released, after US-Iran negotiations, on January 20, 1981.
NAZI scientists were expermenting with trying to get the perfect german baby.
Look at the infrographics show.