The total number of chars in each string is basically the size of each string.
Using JAVA:
String[] arr = {"hello", "my", "name", "is", "Felicia"}; int count = 0; for(int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { count = count + arr[i].length(); System.out.println("Characters in " + arr[i] + ": " + count); }
<span>Characters in hello: 5
Characters in my: 7
Characters in name: 11
Characters in is: 13
Characters in Felicia: 20</span>
If you are only using firebase auth, you can use the listUsers function of the admin module (limited to 1000 items per page).
For 1.
Positive correlation means if you plot a country's population and land size on a graph. There would be a linear regression line that's sloping upwards.
Since it's a scatterplot, there will be some that fall out of the line, but most of them should be on the line.
It's (A)
For 2.
An outlier is a datapoint that's far, FAR away from the others, so it's (B)
For 3. (A), it's a single line-of-best fit that runs through the middle of the cluster of data points.
Kobe was the best basketball player R.I.P