<span>FDA has developed these questions and answers (Q & A’s) to help all of consumers, health care practitioners, and the general public understand FDA’s actions regarding weight loss products contaminated with various prescription drugs and chemicals. Many of these products are marketed as dietary supplements.</span>
The type of immunity that uses both helper and killer cells is Cellular Immunity. It is used by Cellular immunity to classify the abnormal cells. Once abnormal cells are detected it is destroyed by Cellular Immunity. Cellular Immunity serve as resistance from diseases caused by viruses.
Dan is a biotechnology R&D professional who studies the chemical makeup of plants as well as animals. Dan is a <u>biochemist</u>.
A biochemist is the professional specialist with solid training in biological chemical sciences, trained to develop analytical and advisory activities related to chemical-biological aspects. She / he studies the chemistry of the life of living beings; that is to say, it tries to describe the structure, organization and functions of living matter. The Biochemist is capable of applying at a productive level the fundamentals and principles of clinical analysis to obtain and preserve biological samples, be they clinical or of another origin (environmental, nutritional, or of animal, plant and microbiological, natural or genetically modified species) and design, execute, and interpret chemical analysis results. A biochemist can exercise the technical direction of laboratories where chemical and biological analyzes of clinical, toxicological, environmental, nutritional, biotechnological interest and related areas are carried out, whether they are directed to the provision of services or research.
<span>After HIV enters the body, how long does it take for enough antibodies to be developed to be detected?
</span><span>c. several months
(up to 3 months)</span>
Salivary amylase is a glucose-polymer cleavage enzyme that is produced by the salivary glands. It comprises a small portion of the total amylase excreted, which is mostly made by the pancreas.