In the region of open talking. It is the procedure or demonstration of playing out a discourse to a live group of onlookers. This sort of discourse is intentionally organized for three general purposes: to educate, to induce and to engage.
b. can memorize details.
Carolyn Rovee-Collier (1942-2014) was a professor of Psychology, from United States. She was an expert in cognitive development, and is recognized as one of the founders of infants long-term memory research. Long-term memory is the stage of the memory model where informative knowledge is held indefinitely. Her research is mostly focused on learning and memory in pre-verbal children. Results of her research is best described in one of her books, <em>The Development of Implicit and Explicit Memory</em>, published in 2001.
C! The Patriots used silent meetings with the COC
Why is it important to fulfill our duty?
Happiness. It's counterintuitive, but happiness is sustained only by fulfilling our obligations; doing our duty. The most miserable families are the ones where parents fail to teach their children to obey & behave. No one is happy. The children are unsocialized and they always will be. They are miserable all their lives too and so are all the people their lives touch. The parents are tyrannized by the child. Parents have a duty to teach their children how to obey, how to follow the rules.
Contempt, instead of love, describes how undutiful children feel towards their parents. Resentment, sometimes downright hatred, describes how the parents feel about their children who lord it over them. In toxic families everyone craves seperation from one another and simultaneously, the proper respect and dutiful attention they have never given or received.
Duty to the social subdivisions in the bigger society is never more than a reflection of what we realize in our family upbringing. Generally it is learned at a tender age - or never learned at all.
Albert Schweizer said: “If you would find happiness, you must first seek and find how to serve.”