The main idea of the Ninth Amendment addresses rights to people that are not specifically in listed in the Constitution.
In order to provide justice to the innocent people.
Wilson believe that the judges will act with intrepidity (fearlessness) because they have a duty to provide justice to the innocent people and give punishments to the criminals. If the judges fear the criminals then they are not able to make a fair decision so that's why Wilson wanted that judges must have fearlessness in order to make the right decision and provide justice to the innocents.
A developed economy is one that has a strong exporting industry that generates income for the country. Some examples of developed economies are the United States, England, Canada, France. Usually they call developed economies of first world.
The most diverse scientific studies demonstrate the positive relation between economic development and standard of living. The more developed a country's economy is, the better the quality of life for its citizens. The opposite is true, the less developed a country's economy, the worse a country's social indicators are.
Based on the preconventional stage of Kolhlberg in moral
reasoning, the behavior that Selena is showing explains that she didn’t take
the candy even if the clerk went inside the store because Selena has the
thought of getting caught by the clerk once she took the candy.