Student A is wrong and Student B is correct.
- Direction is saying to construct a line that passes through C
- The last step is enough to describe that A is wrong.
- Its saying to swing an arc(Should be line).
- On the other hand Student B has done correct
- By passing point through C and G it satisfies our required construction.
Step-by-step explanation:
int i = 42.7; /* konwersja z double do int */
float f = i; /* konwersja z int do float */
double d = f; /* konwersja z float do double */
unsigned u = i; /* konwersja z int do unsigned int */
f = 4.2; /* konwersja z double do float */
i = d; /* konwersja z double do int */
char *str = "foo"; /* konwersja z const char* do char* [1] */
const char *cstr = str; /* konwersja z char* do const char* */
void *ptr = str; /* konwersja z char* do void* */
Theres 60 seconds in a minute. If it takes her 5 minutes, multiply 60 by 5. you will get 300. then all you will do is divide the meters by 300 seconds. you will get the answer of 1.5 metres per second.
Step-by-step explanation:

