Dividing by 3 means splitting a number into 3 numbers, all equal. The division sign can be represented by a /.
For example, 12/3=4. We can check our answer by multiplying our answer by 3, and seeing if we get our original answer.
Division is the opposite of multiplication, so it makes sense that multiplication is a valuable tool to check our work.
Hope this helps!
A rational number is a number that can be written as a ratio of two integers a and b, where b is not zero. For example, 4/7 is a rational number, as is 0.37 because it can be written as the fraction.
Step-by-step explanation:
x + (x + 3) + = 75
so you will add up all of the x 's but NOT the x^2
2x + 3 + = 75
Rearrange to put the x^2 in front of 2x
+ 2x + 3 = 75
subtract the 75 from both sides
+ 2x - 72 = 0
150 divided by 25 equals 6. 6 times 3 equals 18. This means that you will spend $18 on gas each week.
20+7 + 30+3 is that what you meAN