All compounds are molecules, but not all molecules are compounds. That is because a molecule can be made up of two atoms of the same kind, as when two oxygen atoms bind together to make an oxygen molecule. However, all compounds are made up of two or more different types of atoms.
Copper oxidizes in moist air
2Cu + CO₂ + O₂ + H₂O = (CuOH)₂CO₃
copper reacts with concentrated acids, for example, with nitric acid
Cu + 4HNO₃ = Cu(NO₃)₂ + 2NO₂ + 2H₂O
copper reacts with chlorine
Cu + Cl₂ = CuCl₂
copper reacts with oxygen when heated
2Cu + O₂ = 2CuO
X 86 206
Radioactive atoms are nuclei that can under go disintegration to emit either an alpha particle, beta particle or gamma radiation. The process could be spontaneous or stimulated.
When a radioactive atom R 88 210 emits alpha particle, it would produce an element with atomic number 86 and mass number 206 i.e X 86 206. An alpha particle is usually a helium nucleus.
+ energy