It is formed as a result of a reaction between two non-metals
- The boiling point of Potassium is most similar to the element sodium , since , both the elements belong to the same group i.e. , the group one , Hence , the most of the physical chemical properties are same , irrespective of some exceptions .
Hence , the Boiling point of Potassium and sodium are the same .
- The boiling point of Potassium is least similar to the element helium , since , both the elements belong to different groups , Since , Helium has a negative boiling point and is one of the most stable element , being a noble gas .
Answer: the unshared pair of electrons on the nitrogen can accept a proton
According to the Lewis concept, an acid is defined as a substance that accepts electron pairs and base is defined as a substance which donates electron pairs.
Amines have a general molecular formula of
which has lone pair of electrons on nitrogen and thus is able to donate electrons to a lewis acid which is short of electrons. In other words nitrogen can accept a proton.

all of above becuase it's all conservation