Terminating decimals have a finite number of digits after the decimal point. Repeating decimals have one or more repeating numbers or sequences of numbers after the decimal point, which continue infinitely.
Part A: The percent discount on game is 20%.
Part B: Mario paid a total of $28.50 including sales tax.
Step-by-step explanation:
Given that:
Part A:
Original price of video game = $32.99
Discounted price = $26.39
Amount of discount = 32.99 - 26.39 = $6.60
Discount percent = 
Discount percent = 
Discount percent = 20%
Part B:
Sales tax = 8% of discounted price
Amount of sales tax = 
Amount of sales tax = $2.11
Total amount = $26.39 + $ 2.11 = $28.50
Part A: The percent discount on game is 20%.
Part B: Mario paid a total of $28.50 including sales tax.
The barge can carry up to 94 railroad cars.
Step-by-step explanation:
Create an inequality to represent the weight of the barge to the max weight.
24 + 4r ≤ 400
Solve for r:
4r ≤ 400 - 24
4r ≤ 376
4r ≤ 376/4
r ≤ 94