Terribly low storage space, limited to mathematics/computing, required entire rooms to use, and low information yield for hours of processing.
Graphics are important in multimedia application this is because humans are visually oriented etc.
Is there a question or something
Data is accessed in a random-access manner, meaning the individual blocks of data can be stored and retrieved in any given order or time.
Following are the method to this question:
def __init__(self, _name, _breed):#defining Constructor
""" Constructor """ = _name#assigning value in name variable
self.breed = _breed#assigning value in breed variable
self.tricks = []#defining tricks an empty list
In the above code, a parameterized constructor is defined, that hold two-variable "name and breed" in its parameter, and another object self is created for storing the value.
Inside the constructor two-variable, and one empty list variable "tricks" is defined that hold value in the name and breed variable, and the next step an empty list is defined, that store its value.