The stage where the doubling time will be the shortest will be the one where replication is taking place the fastest. This phase is known as the exponential phase. This phase is characterized by exponential growth rates of a bacterial colony.
This phase occurs due the excess amount of resources that are present compared to the amount necessary to sustain the bacterial colony. Therefore, not being limited by resources, the bacteria multiply rapidly. However, the resources then run out due to which replication stop, bringing on the lag phase. Finally, the bacteria begin to starve and die off due to the lack of resources, bringing about the death phase.
An example of a 3rd class lever is a pair of tweezers!
Algae, alligator, bacteria, bass, bear, bladderwort,bream,butterfly, butterfly larva, cattail, cute, crayfish, cricket, cypress tree, dandelion, Florida panther, fox, frog, fungi, Gambusa, garfish, gopher tortoise, grat, Kork, Heron, Killifish, Live oak tree, Millard duck, Manatee, mangrove trees, mice, mosquito, water, owl, pelican, Pine tree, rabbit, raccoon, Rattlesnake,
Lysosomes : Small organelles filled with enzymes which are used to break down lipids, proteins, and carbs