they lived somewhere else
Tribes have formally organized institutions that unite scattered communities.
Band is usually a small group in which the members are related to each other is one way or another. On the other hand, a tribe is usually a large group with over 50 people an comprises of more than one bands. A tribe has a formal council or other form of leadership that constitutes of the elders from different bands. Tribes are often based on common political, cultural, religious or language grounds. Based on the definitions of band and tribe, it can be seen that only the option stating tribes have formally organized institutions (meaning a council or more than one councils for domestic and warfare maters) that unite scattered communities (multiple bands) is actually correct.
The Rule of law is the durable law of a system that includes the mechanism, and process that supports the equality of all people before the law that helps to secures government and prevents the arbitrary use of power.
It is the law based on the principle that all individuals are equal to the law. The rule follows from the idea that truth and based on basic principles that can not act as on his wiil.
empowered the President to prescribe a time limit for a State Legislature to convey its views on proposed Central laws relating to the formation of new States and alteration of areas, boundaries or names