The major thing that differentiate microeconomics from macroeconomics is the object of study. Microeconomics refers to the study of economics at individual, group or business level while macroeconomics involves the study of economics on the national scale, that is the study of the economy of a nation. The economics of a nation is the combination of all the individuals, businesses, households, etc in a country.

The answer is above.
Additional note 1:

Additional note 2:
In the answer I filled in "0" at the place where "n" was. This is because the question tells us n=0
Answer:The answer is D(-5,7)
Step-by-step explanation:
Just took the test
4000.0093979 = 63.2456275
= 8.7
Then you get 50
Oh Foxy, Foxy, how totally debilitated you must be ! Try to relax. Nobody
enjoys a painful brain, and believe me, this problem is not worth it.
Let me put it to you this way: What if the problem said . . .
-- Demarcus has $8 more than his sister.
-- His sister has $4.
-- How much money ' M ' does Demarcus have ?
If your brain didn't hurt, you could quickly solve this right in there.
You would know that Demarcus' money ' M ' = 8 + 4 .
That's <em>almost </em>exactly what the problem <em>does</em> say.
Except it doesn't say he has "$8 more than his sister",
it says he has "at least" that much.
So you know that ' M ' is not exactly = 8 + 4, but that's the <u>least</u> it could be.
The actual amount of ' M ' is <u>more</u> than that.
Surely you can handle it from here, even with half of your brain
tied behind your back.
Take a good hard look at ' A ', and then go lie down.