Height and weight measurements
Blood pressure check
Discussion on emotional health
Disabled individuals receive more discrimation because they are deemed to be less able to do basic tasks. People who hold prejudices and are judgemental allow a barrier to build around disabled people, because they associate them with a lack of mental ability. In this sense, disabled people are almost inferior in their surroundings because they are open to labels.
Furthermore, some are unwilling to hold faith in disabled people because they believe that they are incapable of understanding their environment the same as non - disabled people. Unfortunately, some have the notion that the dis abled are weak and eccentric, which is a driving force for stereotypes and mockery.
Just think like its gonna be ur last day on earth
The only statement true among all given statement is-
Regular health insurance will not pay for alternative medicine services.
More than a quarter of adults in the US are consuming some form of alternative medicine. They are most likely to pay them from their savings. Alternatives though find a vast variety of use but are not covered under regular health insurance.
This can be considered as the most important reason as to why people hesitate to choose alternatives over traditional medicinal practises. This has ensured the survival of traditional allopathy even though it is costly than alternative medicine.
However, there is an increasing perception among people that alternatives are more effective and popular. But the dominance of traditional medicines won't go unless the alternatives are included in the health insurance segment.