All equally important without physical health having social health might be harder since you might not be able to interact as well because of illness which would then affect mental. Without mental health your social and physical health would deteriorate and without social health your mental then physical health would deteriorate we need a balanced amount of all of these
All equally important without physical health having social health might be harder since you might not be able to interact as well because of illness which would then affect mental. Without mental health your social and physical health would deteriorate and without social health your mental then physical health would deteriorate we need a balanced amount of all of these
Step-by-step explanation:
All equally important without physical health having social health might be harder since you might not be able to interact as well because of illness which would then affect mental. Without mental health your social and physical health would deteriorate and without social health your mental then physical health would deteriorate we need a balanced amount of all of these
All equally important without physical health having social health might be harder since you might not be able to interact as well because of illness which would then affect mental. Without mental health your social and physical health would deteriorate and without social health your mental then physical health would deteriorate we need a balanced amount of all of these
Step-by-step explanation:
To divide two by nine, you need to use your long division skills. Unfortunately, this interface doesn't lend itself well to showing you the actual long division problem, so try to follow the steps with me.
draw a division symbol (should look like half a rectangle). Put the 9 in front of the rectangle and a 2 inside it. Make the top of the rectangle long.
Note that the result of the division 2÷9 is not an exact value and is equivalent to recurring decimal 0.22... (which has 2 as the period).
That’s a good one Because what is the domain of the function Y equals 2X
5 days
Step-by-step explanation:
Sohan can do the whole thing in 10 days
he worked 5 days so he did half
and Mohan did the other half in 5 days
so their speeds are same
so if they worked together they'd do it in half the time
i.e 5 days