Native Americans would engage in "starvation and sleep loss".
The procedure incorporates a total fast for four days, alone at a consecrated site in nature which is picked by the older folks for this purpose. A few communities have utilized similar locales for ages. Amid this time, the youngster supplicates and cries out to the spirits that they may have a dream, one that will enable them to discover their motivation throughout everyday life, their job in a society, and how they may best serve the General population.
The answer is given below
a) Direct discrimination refers to the unfairly treatment given to a person based on the persons characteristics such as religion, race, sex. Examples are not offering promotion to a person because he is a christian, employing a man who is less qualified than a female candidate.
b) Indirect discrimination refers to the use of bias rule or requirement to a group of individuals that seems to be normal but in fact is less fair to certain people. Example is job advertisement with requirement of experience, giving better treatment to a child whose father is very rich.
the activities done in order to earn money is called economic activities