Chiasma is the site of crossing over. It is an X-shaped site that appears in a tetrad (bivalent) chromosome during the diplotene stage of prophase I of meiosis I. Crossing over refers to the exchange of segments of chromatids and occurs between homologous chromosomes only. Crossing over is the event of prophase I of meiosis I and produce new gene combinations.
The homologous chromosomes are separated from each other but remain attached at chiasmata. The dissolution of chiasmata occurs by the end of prophase I and separates the homologous chromosomes completely from each other. Crossing over does not occur in mitosis. Since mitosis does not include crossing over, chiasmata are also not formed in mitosis.
Usually, the larger the seed, the more food reserves it contains. ... For example, Dandelion seeds have developed very light and fluffy parachute-like structures. These help the seeds to float in the wind and delays their fall to the ground. This delay allows the seeds to be carried further.
1 grass -2 beetle -3 bluebird-4 fox
Para poder probar que la generacion espontanea despues de hervir el agua no es posible ya que en ese tiempo esa era la teoria aceptada por todos.
Anteriormente alguien habia hecho el mismo experimento tapando el frasco con un corcho, ese experimento despues de ser hervida el agua produjo seres nuevos (microorganismo) y Pasteur hirvio el agua solo para provar que los microorganismo no se podian generar magicamente despues de ser hervidos