The size and density of the pattern of residues on the object can vary with distance, allowing a firearm examiner to determine the proximity of the shooter to the target when the gun was fired. ... Examiners visually examine and chemically process evidence for the presence of gunshot residues.
A distance determination is the process of estimating the distance between where a shot is fired and its target. It is done by looking at the patterns of powder residue and the shot pattern.
taking out full-page advertisements in the same three local newspapers and runs thirty-second television commercials the same station.
In order to effectively terminate the offer without being liable to pay any reward afterwards, First National Bank will have to take out full-page advertisements in the same three local newspapers and runs thirty-second television commercials the same station.
Anyone give information afterwards will be paid any reward even if the person does not have any prior knowledge of the offer termination. He will just simply be referred to the evidences of the advertisement and television commercials.
Answer:For protection for important indivuidals of the Amercian government
The correct answer is B. The presence of an overbearing guardian distinguishes routine activity theory from situational crime prevention.
Situational crime prevention is a criminal theory that establishes that all crime can be stopped before its development if the situations or contextual conditions that favor its development are modified.
Thus, the presence of a policeman in a certain place, for example, modifies the context for the criminal, who knows that he will not be able to carry out his crime in the place where this policeman is. Thus, the presence of a guard limits the development of the crime, by modifying the context in which the criminal seeks to develop his activity.