We are given fractions
In order to write them in simplest fractions, we need to find a common number that can divide both top and bottom.
Let us work on simplifying first fraction first.

We have 77672 on the top and 5548 in the bottom.
The greatest number 5548 can divide both 77672 and 5548 both.
Dividing 77672 by 5548, we get 14 and dividing 5548 by 5548 we get 1.
Putting quotent 14 on the top and 1 in the bottom, we get
. This is the answer for first part.
Let us work on simplifying second fraction
Top number 288184 and bottom number 34, both can be divided by 34.
On dividing 288184 by 34, we get 8476 and dividing 34 by 34, we get 1.
Putting quotent 8476 on the top and 1 in the bottom, we get
. This is the answer for second part.