A social movement has 4 different stages, according to sociology. These stages are:
- Emergence: There is a widespread discontent but not much organizations, some people are discontent but they haven't taken any actions just yet or if they have, these actions are not strategic or collective.
- Coalescence: There is a more defined sense of discontent, the people already know why and who is the sense of discontent. Leadership emerges and some actions start to take place. Also the media starts covering these kind of news.
- Bureaucratization: The social movement has had some success and they can no longer rely in the members to do all the duties but they need trained staff.
- Decline: Also called "institutionalization". It is important to notice that decline doesn't mean failure and some movements go through institutionalization by finding a institutionalized way to protect themselves.
In this example, the period when a few people try to draw attention to a particular social issue that is not in the public consciousness is clearly describing the stage of emergence.
Stereotypes influence how we think about other people. Stereotypes direct our attention toward some things and away from others, affecting what we notice, and what we remember later on.
Answer: Children below working age were utterly dependent on their parents, and when those parents were unemployed-as was common in this age of double-digit joblessness-hunger often resulted. Surveys revealed that a fifth of New York City's children suffered from malnutrition at the height of the Depression (Mintz and Kellogg 1988, 140). In the impoverished coal regions of Illinois, Kentucky, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia, the malnutrition rate may have exceeded 90 percent.
b. to establish rules for european colonization of africa