The word that is underlined, that's the answer;<u> </u><u>Macro</u>
hope this helps.
Based on the information given this type of maintenance is called a maintenance release.
A maintenance release is a release which help to make correction on security issues such as threat or vulnerability without modifying or adding new features to the software.
Maintenance release help to fix or repair programming errors that occur during the software life cycle stage or programming error that occur due to mistake during the requirement stage validating process.
Software that are released often undergo a maintenance release so as detect and fix any error or bug that was detected.
Inconclusion this type of maintenance is called a maintenance release.
Learn more about maintenance release
Expected rate of return Probabilities
Booming 22% 5%
Normal 15% 92%
Recession 2% 3%
The expected rate of return on this stock is solved by multiply each expected rate of return to its corresponding probability and getting the sum of all products.
Booming: 0.22 x 0.05 = 0.011
Normal: 0.15 x 0.92 = 0.138
Recession 0.02 x 0.03 =<u> 0.0006</u>
Sum total 0.1496 or 14.96% is the expected rate of return on this stock
Share Ownership by Individuals.
Did you know owning shares means tax advantage. Your tax situation can benefit from using the tax advantage that come with fully franked dividends.owning shares also means you are a company owner. When you are buying shares you are buying the company`s asset and its profits. All that told there many advantages that come along with purchase of shares by an individual who wishes to invest his capital in shares.
Benefits of Owning Shares.
1. Stock Owners Take Advantage of a Growing Economy.
As the economy grows so do cooperates earning that is because economic growth creates income this will create a consumer demand that will automatically drive more revenue into companies register an lead to rise company`s share value.
2. Easy to Buy.
The stock market has made it easy to by shares from companies. They can be purchased through a broker, financial planner or online. Once you have set up an account you can stock at any minute. The stock market runs 24 hours, five days a week making the market reliable and sufficient.
3.They are the Best Way to Stay Ahead of Inflation.
Historically stocks have averaged an annual return of 10%. That is better than the annual inflation of 3.2%. It means you have a longer time horizon. That way a stock owner is limited to the risks aligned with the stock market.
4. They are easy to sell.
The stock market allows you to sell your shares at anytime. That will surely help if you really need the cash in a hurry. One disadvantages related to this is that the prices are really volatile so the shareholder runs the risk to make losses when the make haste decisions.
5. You make money in two ways.
Many investors tend to by shares when they have low prices and sell when they are high. They invest in companies that appreciate in value at at either a fast rate or moderate rate. This attracts both day traders and buy-hold investors and this bridges the gap in making money in to ways.
A well defined portfolio will provide most benefits and fewer risk arising to stock ownership. to exchange you shares at a limited risk and get to earn more experts advice apart from stock ownership alone have a mix of stock bonds and commodities. This has proven to be the best way to make highest returns at lower risk. It is important to note that shareholders in stock market contribute close to 80% of the revenue in the market.
Throughout my home, there are many objects that were made in many different places. These objects, though they may seem pedestrian, are highly significant in their ability to help and serve. One of these objects includes my television. This trade occurred at Best Buy, where I gave $5,000 U.S dollars in turn for a continuous flow of information. I have since been positively impacted, as I am always aware of my surroundings (I.e. news) and I can keep up with the latest shows. Another example is my refrigerator. My refrigerator allows me to, once again, connect to the internet and keep in touch with those around me. This product has also impacted me, as it makes life much easier. When at the grocery, I am able to search on my phone and look inside to see what I may, or may not, need.