The correct answer is - B-DNA is the most common form of the DNA present in the cell and a good approximation of the structure of DNA in the cell.
The B- DNA is a form of the DNA that is explained by Watson and crick by the double-helical structure model. B-DNA is the predominant form of the DNA out of the three forms of the DNA which are B-DNA, Z-DNA, and A-DNA.
B-DNA is is provide a good approximation of the structure of DNA in a cell and its most common form of DNA in a cell that makes it the most studied and focused form of DNA.
Thus, the correct answer is - B-DNA is the most common form of the DNA present in the cell and a good approximation of the structure of DNA in the cell.
The resulting cells will not receive the correct number of chromosomes in the gametes, a condition known as aneuploidy.
Formation of functional microtubule spindle fibers and their attachment to kinetochores of chromosomes is required to ensure their alignment st the cell's equator during metaphase. During anaphase, shortening of these microtubules pulls the chromosomes to the opposite poles. These events ensure the distribution of the correct number of chromosomes among the daughter cells. The presence of defective microtubules would not allow proper distribution of chromosomes to the daughter cells and would result in the presence of an abnormal number of chromosomes (aneuploidy).
Because it is written. A popular tool used for motivation and commitment is the use of written contracts and often does not even need to be as lengthy as a contract. A slip of paper or even another writing surface has been shown to significantly increase the likelihood of committing to that action.
There is also premeditation involved when signing a contract or writing on a piece of paper. An individual has read and recognized the written words and then signed it according to a commitment to that act. As such there is a significant amount of thought put into the over procedure, and thus increases again the likelihood of an individual to be committed to completing those actions.
Aside from all the factors of motivation, the signing demonstrates commitment to the contract because that is fairly universally understood to be the way in which people recognize and formally commit to contracts. Whatever the context of the action, whether signing papers to buy a house or for a new job, the signing of the contract is the commitment of the individuals involved to complete the requirements within the contract. Although in this instance the healthier behavior most directly affects the individual who signs the paper.
Phylum. The classification system goes: Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species. Anything that shares a class also share anything above it.