
- Provided : Total sold bakery items : 3028 coffee buns and blueberry buns & 1560 more coffee buns were sold than the blueberry buns.
- To find : Number of coffee buns the bakery sold
- First , Subtract 1560 from 3028 :

We just subtacted the number of more coffee buns from the number of told items sold which means that the number of coffee buns and the number of blueberry buns sold are equal for now. Now divide 1428 by 2 :

Now - Let's get back to the second sentence of the question and add 734 & 1560 :

- Hence , The bakery sold 2294 coffee buns.
- Hope this helps , oneesan! ;)
I think that so...............
the blind one
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They can be expressed as fractions
they have positive values and can be expressed as terminating decimals.
Mr. Tan buys 4 White Pine trees and 5 Birch trees. What is the ... Then, I added the total cost of the White Pine trees ($148) and the .... It costs 9,328 points to build each apartment building in the computer game Big City Building. What is the ...
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