Well, it is like the Biblical story about the Tower of Babylon - in the beginning, there was only one language and all the people in the world spoke it. However, because of many disputes and quarrels, they all separated and created numerous new languages. The same thing happened in the real world (if you don't believe in what the Bible says) - there used to be Proto-Indo-European language, but over time, it developed many new languages as people grew apart and created new nations.
Here's a (very) brief summary of the fall of the Aztec empire, after the arrival of Hernando Cortes until the fall of Tenochtitlán (read a biography of Hernan Cortez here):
1519 (March 4): The Spaniards land in what is now Veracruz. The natives greet him with gifts. A contingent from Tenochtitlán also arrives with gifts. Cortes showed force and demonstrated his canons, terrifying the messengers.
Cortes sinks all the ships except one small vessel, and moves to the city-state of Tlaxcala. Generally speaking they begin on friendly terms.
The Spanish went on to Cholula. It's unclear what happened, but in the end many people in the city were killed by the Spanish. Read more about Cholula here.
1519 (Nov 8): Cortes and army arrives at Tenochtitlán, and begin on good terms. However, Cortes takes charge and demands tribute and some Roman Catholic shrines to replace the Aztec gods.
Cortes returns to the coast to defeat a rival Spanish army. The remaining soldiers join him.
The Aztecs revolt, driving the Spanish from the city. Cuitláhuac becomes emperor.
The Spanish go to Tlaxcala and make an alliance with them.
Most Aztec cities are conquered, and a siege of Tenochtitlán begins.
1521 (13 August): The last Aztec emperor, Cuauhtémoc, surrenders to Cortes.
As with Greek sculpture, the Romans worked stone, precious metals, glass and terracotta but favoured bronze and marble above all else for their finest work. However, as metal has always been in high demand for re-use, most of the surviving examples of Roman sculpture are in marble.
The Second World War is often called “the good war. ... The United States officially entered World War II after the Japanese “surprise” attack on ...
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