High-tech firms are hiring expensive, sophisticated people who are in high demand compared to fast food franchises and treat them better to avoid losing them to other companies
High-tech firms are hiring expensive, sophisticated people who are in high demand. This brings about a better treatment of their employees because if they do not offer these amenities to employees, they would become employees of other high-tech companies. Individuals with low skill levels do not get high salaries or benefits. They are not in as high demand as highly skilled workers. It is efficient, but many would argue that it is not fair.
Dr Cash 3250000
Cr Revenue 325000 [500*6500]
Dr Warranty expense 20000
Cr Liabilities on warranties 20000
Dr Cash 3250000
Cr Revenue 3189000
Cr Unearned warranty revenue 61000
Dr Warranty expense 20000
Cr Cash 20000
Dr Unearned warranty revenue 30500
Cr Warranty revenue 30500[20000/40000*61000]
The answers are:
- decrease; increase
- moral hazard; increase
When you deposit money in your bank account, you know that the money is safe ad even f the bank goes bankrupt, you will be able to get your money bank. That is exactly what deposit insurance does, it increases the public trust in banks.
But if bank customers feel too safe about deposit insurance, they might forget to look for the best bank possible to hold their savings. If it doesn't matter what bank you use to save money, since you are guaranteed to get your money back, you might choose any bank without even checking how its performing.