Hi. I’m here if you want to talk. Why so upset? I’m here to help
The Hazard Communication Standard requires employers to disclose toxic and hazardous substances in workplaces. This is related to the Worker Protection Standard. Specifically, this requires unrestricted employee access to the Material Safety Data Sheet or equivalent, and appropriate training needed to understand health and safety risks.
Chelsea's social factors increase her risks of a communicable disease.
Veronica and Chelsea are twins that were separated at birth, and while Chelsea is raised by a family that does not make much money, and does not have easy access to healthcare, Veronica is raised by a family that makes a lot of money, lives in a newly built home, has a farm and has access to healthcare.
Therefore, the conclusions that I can make about Chelsea's health as an adult is that her social factors increase her risks of a communicable disease.
Skin Tone Is Sort Of The Saturation Of The Skin, Whether Its More Light Or More Dark, Skin Color Is The Actual Color