The Spanish only cared about the money (GOLD) and land not about people.
Factory smoke and other conditions
Back in the second industrial revolution there were many factories being built, and there were a lot of people willing to work for lower wages. Conditions were harsh, as there was a lot of smog, factory smoke, etc. and many people were harmed by the many machines in factories that had no safety precautions. Also, the gases and smoke caused breathing and lung illnesses.
Prior to the printing press, there were only 30,000 copies of books in Europe and 75% of them were in Latin. The printing press made it possible to print more books in multiple languages which helped increase literacy and education throughout Europe because books were more accessible. The New Testament was also translated into German by Martin Luther. However, the Church did not like the printing press because it made it impossible for them to censor books. This means that authors were able to spread new ideas about science and religion which the Church did not agree with. While the spread of new ideas helped revolutionize society during the Renaissance, it created a lot of controversy with the Church.
<span>Automobiles became sources of social status depending on which vehicle you had. The automobile erased the railroad as prefrerred method of travel and the automobile became a staple of the American family a certain iconic representation such as the white picket fence
theres one ill try to find a couple more</span>