When Europeans began to explore and colonize other parts of the world, smallpox traveled with them. The native people of the Americas, including the Aztecs, were especially vulnerable to smallpox because they'd never been exposed to the virus and thus possessed no natural immunity.
Answer wrong got it wrong
Just as other peoples' feelings can affect the message they're trying to send, your own feelings can get in the way of your communication as well. When you feel a strong emotion or feeling, pay attention to that emotion and try not to let it get in the way of your message
Because 5 people died a lot of redcoats were injured.
The memories of American's own colonial past shaped the intervention of the Spanish occupied Cuban territory. It seemed that America represents and promotes democracy. There was a feeling of oppression of Cuba by Spain as there was once British exploited America. with this public opinion, America declared war on Spain but soon found a place of oppressor in Cuba.
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