18% T (Thymine). pls brainliesttt
The phase during which sister chromatids aggregate along the equator of the cell is called the metaphase.
The image shows the process of cell division through mitosis. The mother cell divides into two genetically identical daughter cells in mitosis. There are four main phases in the mitosis process. They are: prophase, metaphase, anaphase and telophase. In the metaphase, the highly condensed sister chromatids line up along the equator of the cell by binding to the microtubles that form the skeleton of the cell. These kinetochores line up the chromatids at the equator to initiate their separation.
b. Synergistic dominance
The stabilizing muscles will always be <u>synergistic</u>, since only from the synergies (hence the term synergist) that arise from joint work is efficient and controlled movement possible. However, not all synergists will be stabilizers. Stabilizer will be one that, thanks to the geometric arrangement of its fibers, will have the ability to maintain alignment in the joint and stable the axis of rotation.
In the case of knee extension, we would have as stabilizers all the antagonists who, because the flexion axis is virtual and not physical, must maintain the stability of said axis. If the axle were physical, such as the wheel in a horse carriage, or on a skateboard through the bearings, the antagonistic muscles would not be necessary for this purpose, because the fixed axis would maintain the position. Since the joints of living beings do not have a fixed physical axis, it is the muscles themselves, specifically the antagonists, who must be responsible for maintaining the stability of the joint creating a virtual axis on which rotation occurs.