It's Odysseus and not Ulysses if this is Greek mythology (hence Zeus). That Greek God is Hermes, or Mercury if in Roman mythology (hence ulysses). Use Mercury or Hermes depending if it's Roman or Greek mythology. Determine which one is which as your question mixes the mythologies up.
The first true victims of American Imperialism were the Native Americans. As settlers slowly pushed West, native peoples were killed, forced out, or forced to assimilate into White American culture. Land would be set aside to "house" these many peoples, but even that would soon be settled. Native lands were slowly chipped away until they look as we see them. Many groups went from hundreds of thousands of miles of territory to a few hundred acres. Sometimes the land they were "given" wasn't even in their ancestral homeland, but thousands of miles away. Around the same time Americans would rob many Mexicans of the lands that they had settled and farmed for generations.
<span>The Lone Star Republic. At the time Spain granted independence to Mexico in 1821, the land now comprising the state of Texas was very sparsely populated. The Mexican government actually encouraged the settlement of the area by American pioneers.
After four bloody years of conflict, the United States defeated the Confederate States
John Locke left his legacy on the United States of America.