The Treaty of Versailles was very harsh on Germany: it had to make huge reparations to the other countries, and it spend years with a very poor economy because of these reparations. This frustrated people and paved way for extremism (which came in the form of Hitler).
The United States gets 81% of its total energy from oil, coal, and natural gas, all of which are fossil fuels. We depend on those fuels to heat our homes, run our vehicles, power industry and manufacturing, and provide us with electricity.
Roger Chillingworth is a depraved soul who is out to seek revenge on Hester's "baby daddy" and he will stop at no end until he gets what he wants. Eventually, Dimmesdale comes forth as Hester's partner in adultery and the hole time Dimmesdale is confessing, Chillingworth is begging him to stop. Chillingworth enjoys manipulating Dimmesdale into insanity and begs him to stop confessing because he knows that once everyone knows about Dimmesdale's sin then he will have no power over him. Chillingworth is the perfect last name for such a nefarious character because it depicts his character with in it. He is a very chilling character and is, overall, a terrible person!
<em>The Declaration of Independence establishes the values of the United States of America. It says that "all men are created equal" and have the right to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." Further, it states the purpose of government is to protect these values.</em>
One big source for Jefferson was John Locke. Locke’s Second Treatise of Government built upon mutual respect for property rights. All free men own property and therefore deserve some rights. The more property, the more rights. Locke like Jefferson believed that kings only earned respect for their rights when they respected the rights and privileges of their subjects.
Jefferson, of course, took this further. He, Franklin, and some other founding fathers essentially ran in radical English circles. Therefore some rights were so important that they do not accrue according to property ownership. Hence, all men were created equal in some respects; even though major property holders were more equal. All men deserved the rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Of course, Jefferson understood that large landholders exercised the rights of gentry to guide their poorer neighbors.
Sociology is a science that studies people's social life, social environment, and social changes. It studies the causes and the consequences of the behavior of a person.
Sociology is a science that provides different aspects of the perception of the world and the perception of new ideas. Sociology defines the family environment, society, community, welfare of the society and education. It is a very expanding field whose potential is increasing day by day. Sociology is a science that study the effect of behavior and the forces of the changes in society.