It is best to use Performance Monitor and Process counters to observe performance.
def leap_year_check(year):
return if int(year) % 4 == 0 and (int(year) % 100 != 0 or int(year) % 400 == 0)
The function is named leap_year_check and takes in an argument which is the year which we wish to determine if it's a new year or not.
int ensures the argument is read as an integer and not a float.
The % obtains the value of the remainder after a division exercise. A remainder of 0 means number is divisible by the quotient and a remainder other wise means it is not divisible by the quotient.
If the conditions is met, that is, (the first condition is true and either the second or Third condition is true)
the function leap_year_check returns a boolean ; true and false if otherwise.
Go to a blank cell and type
=AVERAGE(A1:A10) then <ENTER>
As if by magic, the average of those cells
will appear where you typed the formula.
product_name = input("Enter product name : ")
if product_name=="pen"or"book"or"box"or"pencil"or"eraser":
if product_name == "pen":
amount = 10
print(f"Product Name: {product_name}\nCost: {amount} rupees")
if product_name == "book":
amount = 100
print(f"Product Name: {product_name}\nCost: {amount} rupees")
if product_name == "box":
amount = 150
print(f"Product Name: {product_name}\nCost: {amount} rupees")
if product_name == "pencil":
amount = 5
print(f"Product Name: {product_name}\nCost: {amount} rupees")
if product_name == "eraser":
amount = 8
print(f"Product Name: {product_name}\nCost: {amount} rupees")
print("Item not found!")
The python program is a code of nested if-statements that compares the input string to five items of the first if-statement. For every item found, its code block is executed.