The 4 important dimension of wellness explain each dimension.
- Spiritual
- Emotional
- Physical
- Social wellness support.
Why is wellness dimensions important?
Every aspect influences and overlaps with the others to form a part of our individual feeling of wellness or quality of life. When one dimension is neglected for an extended period of time, the entire health can suffer. Sometimes one dimension may be more prominent than others.
<h3>Explaining the 4 important dimension of wellness ?</h3>
Spiritual Wellness:
Our willingness to make sacrifices for others, our country, and the greater good is motivated by our spiritual fortitude. It may result from a person's religious conviction, family history, life experiences in our community, the impact of role models, or other inspirations.
Emotional Wellness:
Building self-awareness and emotional acceptance is referred to as emotional wellbeing. It entails figuring out how to promote optimistic thinking and self-acceptance.
Physical Wellness:
Learning more about your lifestyle, including how food, a healthy diet, and exercise, can be a vital part of it, is a part of physical wellness.
Social Wellness:
Being aware of how your behavior affects your surroundings, society, and the environment is a necessary component of social wellness.
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