Regression is problematic for classical statistical tests that assume independently distributed errors.
Regression is a statistical technique that relates a dependent variable to one or more independent (explanatory) variables. A regression model can indicate whether an observed change in the dependent variable is associated with changes in one or more of the explanatory variables.
Regression comes from "regress", which comes from the Latin word "regresses" – (to return to something). In this sense, regression is a technique that allows us to move from chaotic and difficult-to-interpret data to a clearer and more meaningful model.
Regression analysis predicts a continuous dependent variable from a set of variables. Used when the independent variable. If your dependent variable is dichotomous, you should use logistic regression.
Learn more about Regression
Indigenous peoples were able to use livestock and plows brought from Europe to farm the land more efficiently.
The spread of disease in Africa has been detrimental to their development. Due to sharing drinking water, disease in just one person can multiply at alarming rates, as seen in the recent Ebola virus outbreak. Another aspect adding to this is hospitals. Poverty runs rampant in many parts of Africa, due to lack of infrastructure and failing to utilize current resources. There are few hospitals, the ones running often having an overworked staff and unsanitary conditions. Until improvements are made to their economy, the unfortunate truth is that disease is likely to stay.