The mass of the star actually determines the stage of the
star after supernova. If the mass of the star is small, then it would become a
very small and dwarf, cold and dead body in space. The mass of the star has to
be less than that of the sun. If the mass of the star is greater than sun, then
it would become a black hole. The mass of the star has to be more than 1.4
times the mass of the sun to become a black hole.
↪ In our life time, I dont think so
↪ They will be making some robots but I think before any of this happens they will have to find a way to modify genes
↪ By modifying genes this could change people's hair and eye colour build etc
↪ This hasnt had any progress, but is sure to come in the future but I dont think unless there is a scientific revolution that humans will be engineered this way in our life span
S phase -
synthesis phase, during this phase , a cell copies it's DNA
The yeast is no longer active, Climate conditions, too much liquid, Wrong type and amount of yeast, Not adding or using too little salt, Insufficient baking time and Wrong oven temperature.
The yeast is no longer active, Climate conditions, too much liquid, Wrong type and amount of yeast, Not adding or using too little salt, Insufficient baking time and Wrong oven temperature are the factors that could fail the process of dough rising. For rising of dough, the environmental conditions and materials that is used in dough must be present in optimum range or quantity.