yeet vb yes g jr v bugs challenge ure v by by sx chutes sch ur vbb 4th mg st ny
This ordered pair makes both statements true, so A, B, and D are all the correct answers!
Since the truck is 8 feet long then the longest log able to fit in the truck should be 8 feet as well. However talking reality, we might want to shorten it to make it fit better. Hope this helps!
Let's bear in mind that 5 gallons with a solution of 6% bleach, contains some water plus some bleach, how much bleach? well, is just 6% of 5 gallons or namely (6/100) * 5 gallons, or 0.30 gallons.
if we use "x" gallons of water, well pure water has no bleach, so is 0% bleach, and it has a (0/100) * x or 0x gallons of bleach.
the mixture will be say "y" gallons, and is 4% bleach, so (4/100) * y is 0.04y gallons in the mixture of bleach.
I think it’s 22 or 23...I’m so sorry if it’s wrong :/