Well the definition in an actual dictionary or scientific book is quite confusing, so to put it simply:
A chromosome is a DNA molecule with part or all of the genetic material of an organism.
If that makes any sense.
That’s really as simple as I know it.
Chromosomes are complex, so a simple definition doesn’t come easy.
Happy to help!
The magnetic fields are strongest at point A and weakest at point C. The magnetic field lines can be used to indicate the strength of a magnet or magnetic field. The closer together the magnetic field lines the stronger the magnetic field.
The magnetic field line also shows the direction of the magnetic field, hence they are also considered vector fields because they have magnitude and direction. They usually have an arrow indicating that the field lines are moving from the north pole to the south pole. The lines also never cross and are always in closed loops.
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1. Anaerobic
2. lactate
3. Aerobically
During excessive muscular activities such as a marathon, lactate fermentation occurs in muscles to serve as a source of ATP to sustain muscle contraction. The lactate produced during lactate fermentation is removed aerobically from muscles. Lactate threshold or anaerobic threshold refers to the intensity of physical activity that produces the blood lactate at a fast rate than its removal.
Increased intensity of exercise or physical activity increases lactate production. As the intensity reaches the point at which lactate cannot be removed from the body fast enough, it is accumulated and causes fatigue in muscles. Therefore, the lactate threshold is the upper limit that can be sustained aerobically by the body without any accumulation of lactate.
The species is not prey to what is already living there and as a result may reproduce uncontrollably and end up causing the other species to go extinct by stealing the resources they need.
The mechanism is straightforward: in Metaphase one of Meiosis, chromosomes line up in two lines, with homologous across from each other, which allows them to interact by crossing over. In Metaphase of Mitosis, the chromosomes are all lined up single file, so the homologous chromosomes cannot interact.