Regional integration is the process by which two or more nation-states agree to co-operate and work closely together to achieve peace, stability and wealth.
Usually integration involves one or more written agreements that describe the areas of cooperation in detail, as well as some coordinating bodies representing the countries involved.
This co-operation usually begins with economic integration and as it continues, comes to include political integration. We can describe integration as a scale, with 0 representing no integration at all between two or more countries. Ten would represent complete integration between two or more countries. This means that the integrating states would actually become a new country — in other words, total integration.
I believe the correct answer is Investigative interest.
John Holland is a psychologist who propounded a theory that classified thinkers and their various career interests. According to him, investigative interest involves an individual who is a rational thinker with a huge interest in research work and theory. Such an individual is always inquisitive and open to finding and understanding new theories. In my opinion, having an investigative interest make you think logically, you analyse issues and try to solve them. Examples of careers that involve investigative interests are Writers, Aerospace Engineer, Pharmacist, electrical engineer, etc.
Given the above, Austin's intention to one day become an engineer to solve issues in the world of science indicates an investigative interest.
believed the partition would ease tensions between Muslims and Hindus.
Social needs and the need to belong to a group.